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The Sad Dude



Sad Mao








11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2014 - 06/01/2014



Thursday, May 22, 2014:sadness n emptiness fills me...

It has been a journey which I embarked on with you with the knowledge that we could be forever United as husband n wife. However.... since that day... everything changes.... you have turn my life upside down... I am living with no direction and motivation... You were once the bright spark and motivation of my life... However from the way you have treated me... I would like to "thank" you for waking me up from my bubbles into the harsh reality. You said since we were married.... you have lost the sense of love with me and treated me more like a sibling.... so why in God's name did you ever want to marry me and buy a house in the first place? Is this a joke to you? Or so that you can bring you guy back to the house and hide him in the room? (I KNOW who is that guy... so don't need to hide his identity... I have my means...) Thank you BB.... Thank you.... I finally know that NO ONE can be trusted and Thanks for hurting me so badly... You really didn't know ow how much I have suffered... those nights when u were in Japan... n the aftermath of that day.... you JUST BLOODY don't know how Badly it had affected my LIFE! U HAVE SCREWED IT UP AND WHATEVER HAPPENS NEXT WILL BE DUE TO YOUR ACTIONS N WORDS THAT U HAVE SAID TO ME THAT DAY! U WILL REGRET IT!!! T.Y.4.S.M.L

Terence @ 6:53 PM

MaoMao : Life Of a Broken Heart.....

Thursday, April 26, 2007:

This Blog Is Officially Closed On 26th April 2007........
Wat memories It bought me back..... My 1st Blog Posting.... My Poly Life..... My Poly Love.....~
Thanks For All Da Wonderful memories.....

Regardless wat happen in da past..... It part of a learning experience in moulding the future me...... I am glad n thankful for everything....... MY diploma..... great poly frenz..... great army life..... great ex gf..... great best friends....... great sec sch frenz..... n everything tat has gone past me for da past 21 yrs......

Time to grow...... n All da best to every1 =)


Sayonara tmao.blogspot.com...... Will always rememeber U..........

Terence @ 7:51 AM

MaoMao : Life Of a Broken Heart.....

Sunday, June 19, 2005:

Hmm.......... I given a long thought for the whole morning & afternoon..... till now......... I think and think thru...... maybe between us..... we lack of step 2 ba..... which is the persuing stage. So erm...... I hope that u will give me a chance to let me restart from stage 2.
Is it possible? I will be using this blog here as a messaging blog to u ba...... so erm.... well...... I could feel that now I am the one dependent on u ler.......

Before I leave for tekong...... I just wanna tell u that...... I really miss u..... I will never forget u, really can't do anything without u........ I hope that u still be my energy pillar....... n like what we said last nite..... lets hope time will tell us about our future.

Chill Off~

Terence @ 1:16 AM

MaoMao : Life Of a Broken Heart.....

Saturday, June 18, 2005:

To Giselle~

Hmm.......... I really dunno what my heart is feeling now. I just find it weird...... we seems to be together.... but officially we r not..... I think I have a split personality liao...... I think I had to put out a brave front on the surface, but deep in me..... I just felt sad. The saddness seems to be beyond my description lor.I thought after a night's sleep, I will wake up and feel better to blog for u. But I dunno...... when I just try to clear so msg on my hp....... I just can't bear to delete any msg u sent me. Especially When I saw the past msg u sent me....... I really broke down! Tried to think positively, but somehow I just can't....... all of my memory flash back really pulls my heart down. I really dunno....just so confuse.

Okie just wanna share with u how I was feeling yesterday bah.......... Well, I would say at the start of the day till b4 u board the bus was sorta really happy bah. Just as I was waiting for u to arrive, my mind was thinking of u and my heart kept asking "Wonder how are u since it been 18 days I last met u? What will u be wearing today? What colour shirt will u be wearing etc etc.

Even when u told me about the step back u wish to take between us, at that point of time I was really feeling okie and I really respect your decisions as all I want is for u to be happy in whatever u do and decisions u make.

I dunno y but the hug u gave me b4 u board the bus, I really got the urge to hold u tightly and not letting u go. Despite feeling sad inside, but I was glad that I manage to control after u left. But after I myself boarded the bus, I think I knew that I cant control any longer ba. Especially when my Mp3 plays the song "lao shu ai da mi" & "Tong Hua"....... I really cannot continue to listen to it ler...... cuz these songs just reminds me of u and the time we were together.

Currently, I am really unsure of what is our status now. Normal Frenz? Close Frenz? Special Frenz? I really dunno. I kept telling myself to take a step @ a time..... but I dunno what in the kuku is happening to me ba. One thing for sure will be I have never ever blame u for this. So dun keep telling me sorry k? So long as u r happy with your decision, I will accept it so long as u promise me to stay happy daily without tears flowings out k?

Even how much my heart hope that u will regret your decisions, but I shall wait for time to give us an answer k?

Really can't forget the mements we are together & I can say that my door is always awaiting for u to collect back the "kuku" Maomaoz from the rubbish bin.

Chill Off~ with tears & love..............

Terence @ 4:19 PM

MaoMao : Life Of a Broken Heart.....

Wednesday, January 28, 2004:

Well..... ppl dun u think the world is so farni? Well........I was thinking.....imagine if we are able to get Gun or Weapon's in Singapore.....than I believe Singapore will have more cases of School shooting cases......those like student shooting teachers.......well.........if u have realise that....the reason autorities in US and Aussie gave for the shooting was....STRESS?! n Guess Wat...... If any Students in SG is able to get the weapons....... I think Singapore WIll have the highest School shooting incidents....... than any other countries. To the world.......Singapore Education system seems to be one of the best........but the world never realise that, Singaporean's may only succeed in the studies.....but not in others...... okie a good example.....sports? So what olympic's medal have we ever gotten? Yeah! 1 Silver from weightlifting.....in dunno GOD knows When! See! It kindda Suck! I believe if singapore education system keeps on doing their sucky way.......... Sooner or later........... all teachers in the school will die.......(heehee Just think of the japanese movie Battle Royale!)

PS: n Oh ppl I found the true meaning Of LOVE already!
L.O.V.E (Living . On . Venus. Environment! )

Signing oFf.zz..........

Living In Fucking Environment!

Terence @ 9:32 PM

MaoMao : Life Of a Broken Heart.....

Sunday, January 25, 2004:

Happy Chinese New Year !! Wah See I told Ya pplz.........I am a lazy bugger! I never update y blogZ de................. Yawn! Now doing my programming C++ Lab! I think I am going 2 fail........... sob sobz! wEll Wilson......I have updated le! lolx....
Oh It was a fun n great day...... on the 25th. Invited Bunch Of Friends to my house.........WAtch Porn , Gamble, Crack Lame Jokes.........U name it, we got it! lolx.............
Wah My hOuse Turn inTO a Lusty , horny and greedy place sia! lolx.....First TIme I saw a girl so intrested in watching poRN manz! OMG! She was so engross! The "SHE", Sorrie Cannot be named.....privacy mahZzZ. hahaha
Well......... Hope To See More Gatherings COminG uPz in ThE nEaR fUtUre......... OH TEACHER COMING!!!! GTG

Living In Fucking Environment

Terence @ 5:26 PM

MaoMao : Life Of a Broken Heart.....

Saturday, January 10, 2004:

Yeap! I agree! I am such a lazy basterd! haiz no choice! Damnz tired man! School is really pressuring! lolx........
Hmm..............These 4 days...........quite a farni days man! lolx....... While this funny incident happened. Okie........It was on a wednesday....... after on my way to school, I was in a bus sitting beside a primary school girl. As that night I gotta BTT, i was reading my BTT book and doing the questions in it. When Suddenly I felt someone leaning on my shoulder! I was like "WTH!!!! " and I saw that girl's head lying on me n she was sound asleep . I was kindda stunned.....but anywayz I dun give a sh*t abt her n continue reading my BTT book. After a few stops, the girl woke up from her sweet dream and in the nick of time rushes out of the bus(as i believe she almost miss her stop). Well.........speaking about being molest, hmm........ this 1 counted not har? Damnz! See this is the diff! When guys lean on girls, the shout molest! When girls lean on guys, wat do the guy call this as?
That girl is really lucky manz! I dun anyhow let girl(especially!) to lean on me de wor.
Lolx....I am being so BHB! muahhahaha....

Here goes the 1st wk of school........... Wk1 Complete; Wk2 Next........

Hopefully everything is fine in school..........and oH Can't wait to go for my Culture Class! So FUn! 5 GUys and many girls! lolx ..... No la, me just kidding but the culture thingy is fun! Can lau Yu Shen..... in tutorial class........and during lecture go out watch performance! CooL! this is nice.............. Well, Hopefully can pass all subjects this year bahz.........

Signing Out.......... but Rememeber......

Living In Fucking Environment!

Terence @ 4:57 AM

MaoMao : Life Of a Broken Heart.....